I found a natural salon in my area and decided to go to them and get my ends trimmed yesterday. I do think the chick was a bit scissor happy and took of a lot more than necessary but that's okay. It was only and inch and I'll have that back in no time. She did comment on how healthy my hair was and the she didn't have to even take off that much. I was disappointed though b/c the salon specialized in locs as do all natural salons in this area. They claim to do loose hair but really don't and therefore did not have the products to style my hair. I wanted a frohawk and had to explain to the what it was. smh. I ended up just getting a wash n go which meant they loaded my hair down with the stuff people use when they have texturizers. My hair was hard and jacked up. I washed it out immediately.
A high note from that whole thing was one of my sisters finally got the big chop! Yay! Her hair was so very badly damaged and now she rocking about 2 inches of healthy hair. I'm proud of her and it looks so cute on her! (my other sister is currently transistioning again. hope she makes it this time. She's lasted longer and made it through her first urge to give up and relax.)
I've always had an issue with scarves staying on my head and even moreso now that I'm natural. I was in Target and saw a satin pillow case for $4.99. I LOVE IT! I sleep with loose hair every night and my hair loves me for it. My wng last longer and don't seem to be as tangled as before. I only wear a scarf if I'm sleeping with medium two strand twist for a twist out. That's only because I'm afraid they'll unravel. I wore small two strands the other day and slept w/o scarf. I love that my twist were still fat in the morning.
On a personal note, I just have to say that I am really happy right now. Not with just hair but with life. I'm excited about my future and I can feel that everything is going in a positive direction. I am in a place where setback don't bother me because I know I can make it through. I may not have everything I want but I have what I need and then some. Doesn't get any better than that!