Thursday, January 28, 2010

A little off topic..

I've been saying for a while, especially after a recent heart issue, that I'm going to start working out. Not soley for weight loss, but because I need to be healthier. I'm under 30 and have a premature heart beat. I don't want to be forced to take blood pressure pills which is the only medicinal thing that could regulate my heart beat. So my doctor says to exercise and stay away from caffeine, chocolate and drink less alcohol if I'm a heavy drinker. I'm not a heavy drinker and I cut back on my caffeine and chocolate intake.

As for exercise...I gave it a second thought and that was about it. I just didn't want to do it. But I got irritated a few days ago and started to feel the premature heart beat again. (I feel it most when trying to sleep and when I get pissed off or stressed out.) That reminded me that I need to stop playing around with my health and my life. I really really love pilates and wish I had the money to join a studio. Alas, I don't. Will probably find a pilates dvd.

And to be really honest, one of the major reasons I want to work out again is because I want to finish a tattoo I started a while back. I know it sounds crazy but I love tatts. The one I want to have completed is going to go diagonal across my back. In order for that to look as sexy on me as it does in my head, I need to loose some weight. Right now I have the beginning and end (under my left collar bone and right lower back) but I want the middle done.

I'm thinking pilates and walking is the way to go for me. Hopefully but July, I'll have lost a sufficient amount of weight where I'll feel ready for the tatt. I'm not weighing myself. I don't have a goal weight. I just want to feel and look healthier.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Polished Success

A few months ago I wrote about purchasing nail polish and being a bit miffed that it wasn't lasting a long time. But then I'd found tips on how to properly apply polish and make it last longer. I was supposed to update when I tried it here's the update.

The suggestions were to apply 3-4 thin layers of polish and also to let some of the polish go under the nail. Well, I didn't do the whole 3-4 thin layers, I just didn't feel like doing that. But I did polish over the tip and under just a bit. That works! My polish has been on since Sunday night and it still looks good. Not chipped at all. I can't believe that actually works. I used two coats of polish and two coats of clear top coat. I made sure to go over the tip with the color and clear.

Monday, January 4, 2010

My regimine...

well....sort of. It's wha't I've been doing for the past couple of weeks and I'm liking it. There will be adjustments along the way I'm sure but this is the basics.
Day 1: Co-wash for the purpose of detangling. Once detangled and rinsed, lightly towel/t-shirt dry (just enough for my hair to stop dripping). Apply deep condish. I don't use heat so I let it sit for an hour or two if I get sidetracked. Rinse with luke warm water. I do this at night so no styling necessary. Also, I shampoo every two weeks and protein dc once a month. Those steps are done after I detangle.
Days 2 & 3: Wash n gos. Currently, my hair is at this weird length where my WNG doesn't last a few days like it used to. My hair gets tangled and looks crazy even when I fluff and spray with water the next day. It's unbelievable frizzy and I can't make it looke good even the 2nd day. So, I usually end up cowashing both days.

Days 4-7: Some type of twist out style. I spritz my hair with water until damp, apply Herbal Essence Long-Term Relationship as a leave-in, apply moisturizer and sealer and then style. It can be simply a twist-out or it can be flat twist design with a twistout in the back. How I maintain this is by retwisting every other day or daily if I don't like how it looks on a particular day. I love doing this though because the more I retwist, the bigger my hair gets. I alternate between flat twistout and two strand twistout. for instance, on thursday I did two strand and that saturday, I did flat twist. My one issue is retaining moisture. My hair dries out really fast when stretched. I have to moisturize everyday. I need a better moisturizer!
Picture time!

This is how my hair looks when I first styled it. I'll retwist like this some nights also.

This is retwisting at night with bantu knots for extra curl.

This is how the style looks after 2 days. Big!!!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Quick update

Just a quick update on adding shea and whipping the SoftSheen Carson moisturizer. The longer it sat, the thicker it got. I love the thickness right now because it is very creamy. Only downfall, its not mosturizing my hair enough.

Friday, January 1, 2010


My resolutions for my hair:

1. Improve moisture. I don't know what I need to do but I have to work on this. My hair dries out entirely to quickly. It's truly worse since it's winter but I need to figure out something to cure this before winter ends so I know what to do next winter.

2. Retain length. This hasn't been an issue thus far but I want to keep the growing going.

3. Do a slight revamp to my moisturizing dc and protein dc (as well as decide how often to use the proteing dc). I really like my current moisturizing dc but a few months ago while I was experimenting, I liked it better. I will go back and review past post to see which condish I was using that I like the most. For the protein, every one of them makes my hair feel rough for a few days. I have 2 and will find a way to incorporate them together with moisturizers and see how that works.
And, I got a new phone which has a wonderful camera on it. I'm sure I'll be able to post more of the picts I take....such as these two! lol! These are picts of wet hair with no product.