I took them out Nov. 6th. Yes, I was supposed to wait another week but I couldn't. One, because they were getting on my nerves. Two, because one of my homegirls was having a birthday bash and I wanted to look cute.
My hair has grown a lot and looks a lot bigger. I'm happy about it looking bigger because I so want big hair. My hair felt really rough after taking out the weave and it was dirty. I shampooed but my hair was in serious need of detangling which prevented me from being able to shampoo thoroughly. I used HEHH to detangle which took a very long time due to the amount of shed hair that was just sitting in my hair. After detangling, I shampooed. While shampooing, I noticed I was still pulling out a lot of shed hair so I detangled with more condish. Once I was satisfied, I deep condish for an hour. After rinsing that, I shingled with HEHH.
That whole thing took a couple of hours. It's the longest I've ever had to spend on my hair. I realized after all of this though that I still hadn't gotten anything to moisturize my hair. I used HH Long Term Relationship condish as a moisturizer. I loved the way my hair smelled but it made my hair feel crunchy and like it was coated. What ever moisture it did supply didn't last long.
But a trip to Walmart should fix this problem.

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