I'm on the fence about this conditioner. I liked it the first time I used it but I also used all those dc mixtures so the results may have been from those, not this condish. The 2nd time I used it, was for a cowash. The slip is really good and made detangling really easy. I don't remember why, but I ended up using HETT for the leave-in when I did a wng that day.
I used this for the 3rd time and hated it. The slip was still good but the wng was horrible. My hair was frizzy and didn't even have close to the definition that I get with Herbal Essence. When I do wng styles, I don't completely rinse the condish out. Once my hair is dry, this condish leaves my hair feeling crunchy. It has done this every time I used it as a leave-in. I don't like crunchy hair. I love when my hair feels soft to the touch.
It's really interesting to me how Jessi Rose loves the poo but isn't fond of the condish. I'm thinking I'll use the rest of this bottle since the slip is good but probably won't purchase again after that. Guess as far as condish goes, I'll be sticking with Herbal Essence for now. Also crazy that she loved HE condish but hates the poo. lol!

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