i'm only 2 weeks into having these Senegalese twist and I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo over them. Actually, it's not even 2 weeks yet.
since this is clearly torture, I've told myself that I will not keep them in for longer than a month. They will be coming out 2 weeks before Thanksgiving. The weekend of November 14th to be exact. I think I can handle two more weeks of this.
i did this to protect my hair for the winter but this maybe the last time I ever get braids/twist with extensions. i'm way too interested in doing things to my own hair. experimenting with styles....co-washing a few times a week (my hair dearly misses this. it's all itchy and dirty because i can't really get it clean with these twist. i can't wash as often because with so much hair, it gets heavy and takes a long time to dry. now it actually is getting cold out and i don't want a head full of waist length wet hair when i go to work at night.)...and my hair needs another deep condish...and i know it's getting dried out from this weave all interlaced with it.
yes...i'm having a little pity party for my hair....yes, i'm completely tripping for no reason....yes, i probably should be wearing a straight jacket right about now for my irrational behavior. BUT after 4 months of getting to know the glorious hair that I have, putting it out of my reach was crazy. i never thought I could possibly miss my hair. BUT...i do.

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