Tuesday, October 27, 2009

T-shirt Method

"I got my t-shirt and my panties on..." That's the song I sing in my head when I think about the t-shirt method. Lol! I haven't done this before since my hair is in twa status but read about it and got a nice visual aid from the one and only MSatch. (For those who don't know, she has and awesome head of hair and she does the texlax method of straightening her hair. A rare method from what I've seen but it works awesomely for her. It I should ever go back to a perm, I would definitely texlax.)

Anywho, I washed my Senegalese twist on Saturday. Since they are almost waist length and I was having issues with my hair coming out of them, I wanted to be extremely careful when I dried them. While still in the shower, I bent over and flipped my hair over my head, towards my feet. I held the middle (like a ponytail) and then shook the ends to dispose of the excess water.

Now, I did the t-shirt method a bit differently because of the twist and the lengh. (Check out MSatch's description for a better way) I took a t-shirt that I "borrowed" from one of my best guy friends. I was too big for the neck to fit around my head so I stuck my head through one of the armholes. I wrapped the shirt around my twist then twisted that, again, making it into a type of ponytail. I took the the end and knotted it, to hold it together. I may not do the ends that way again as it was heavy and I could feel it pulling at my hair line. I ended up placing the knotted end on top of my head because it was so uncomfortable.

I only needed it on for about 10-15 minutes and my hair was over 60% dry. I took it off and rubbed shea butter on my scalp, following that up with castor oil.

I'll probably use the t-shirt method when my natural hair has grown out a bit. Mostly using it for when I'm going to style my hair though; ie, twist, twist out.

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