Anywho, I washed my Senegalese twist on Saturday. Since they are almost waist length and I was having issues with my hair coming out of them, I wanted to be extremely careful when I dried them. While still in the shower, I bent over and flipped my hair over my head, towards my feet. I held the middle (like a ponytail) and then shook the ends to dispose of the excess water.
Now, I did the t-shirt method a bit differently because of the twist and the lengh. (Check out MSatch's description for a better way) I took a t-shirt that I "borrowed" from one of my best guy friends. I was too big for the neck to fit around my head so I stuck my head through one of the armholes. I wrapped the shirt around my twist then twisted that, again, making it into a type of ponytail. I took the the end and knotted it, to hold it together. I may not do the ends that way again as it was heavy and I could feel it pulling at my hair line. I ended up placing the knotted end on top of my head because it was so uncomfortable.
I only needed it on for about 10-15 minutes and my hair was over 60% dry. I took it off and rubbed shea butter on my scalp, following that up with castor oil.
I'll probably use the t-shirt method when my natural hair has grown out a bit. Mostly using it for when I'm going to style my hair though; ie, twist, twist out.
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