Friday, August 14, 2009

Drum roll please

I finished my first product since going natural. Yay me! I don't know but for some reason, I feel the need to somewhat celebrate this. Lol!

It was moisturizer, of course. I'm sure the next thing I finish will be my beloved HEHH conditioner. It'll probably be a year before I finish a sealer.

I still intend to make my own moisturizer but have yet begun the quest on locating the desired ingredients. I've been thinking about using a black cherry scented oil but feeling a bit weary. Will keep you updated.


  1. 3 months...that's pretty good. You'll only have to purchase moisturizers 4 times a year at that rate. But I'm sure your hair is going to require way more as it grows.

    Oh... and GET TO WORK!

  2. lol! i know. i keep getting side tracked. my mom just yelled at me too.
