My parents only had us three girls but we are so different.
Oldest sister: Her hair is naturally a light brown color. I vaguely remember her natural texture but based on her new growth, I'm thinking she'll be 3A possibly 3B.
Older sister: Her hair is dark brown, almost black. She is definitely 4A-4B. Her hair never seemed to really accept the changes a perm tried to make. Her hair is kinky but very fragile.
Youngest sister: That's me!! LOL! My hair is very dark also. I'm in the middle of my older sisters as far as curl type. I think I'm mostly 3C with some 3B in the front and 4A in the back.
It's true what they say, every curly head is not alike! Oh and it seems that this generation of women in my family have embraced the natural side. The youngest cousin (16) has never had a perm but she straightens her MBL hair. I have another cousin (19) who has just loced her hair. That leaves only 2 female cousins of this generation with perms.

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