That is a direct quote from an email I sent MSatch today. And yes, I meant every word. I'm over it right now. I keep recycling the same hairstyles but I want something different. I spent an hour trying to style my hair yesterday. What happened? Nothing came out right, my hair wouldn't stay in the styles, I had to cowash just before walking out the door to look presentable.
I was thinking about waiting until the end of October to get Senegales twist but looks like it may be sooner.
A while back, I was internet surfing and came across the article Stages of Love. It's about the stages of "hair love." At the time, I was in the honeymoon phase. It was probably only a month after my bc. But now, just fouth months in, I'm somewhere between stages 2 & 3. I'm not considering going back to a relaxer and I'm not upset about my curl pattern. I'm just disappointed in it for not doing what I need it to do. And not being able to do more with it. People constantly say natural hair is the most versatile but I'm not seeing that right now.

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