So I stood in the mirror and stared at my hair for a few minutes. I decided to do a twist out. I spritzed some water on the back of my hair, applied a little gel and shea butter and started grabbing small sections for two-strand twist. My hair was shrinking really bad and I knew my hair would look really short. I untwisted and went to a section of dry hair. I started grabbing and twisting dry hair. It was stretching my hair as opposed to shrinking. I ended up doing dry twist all over and it only took a few hours!

Once finished, I wet my hair. Some of it started to unravel. I rubbed Hollywood Castor Oil and IC Fantasia gel over each twist and coiled them to tighten them back up. Once dry (I did have to use the diffuser a little bit) I carefully untwisted. I didn't seperate the twist, just untwisted. I used a pick to fill in the parts of my scalp that were visable. My first twist out came out FAB!

That does look really good. Your hair looks really full!