The 19th marked another month in this hair journey for me. Some times it hard for me to see this as a journey because when I think of a journey, I think of hardships. I think of going through a really difficult process but knowing there is a wonderful outcome, which is what makes the journey worth it. When I reflect on the past 4 months, it hasn't been very difficult. Rewarding yes, but not very difficult. The random comments and stares are annoying but not life altering.

For the most past, this has been more of an adventure than a journey. I've fallen in love with my kinky coils. I enjoy seeing my curls grow and form and define themselves. I love when I mix together the right products and get a lovely result. I love the Hand In Hair Syndrom I've developed. I really wish I'd had the knowledge and thought to let go of my perm sooner but all things happen in due time. And if I'm honest with myself, the only reason I wish I'd done it sooner is for the length, not for the health of my hair. (This whole patience thing everyone keeps talking about still confuses me. lol!)
Anyhow, this month, I figured I do a length check picture. I haven't done one before. I usually do a shape check. (Click here for explination). But I think my shape is okay and my hair is a lot fuller. Picture time!

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