Yesterday, I go to the beach with some friends. We splash in the water, eat ice cream, listen to a live band....loads of fun. When we get back to the friend's house, I hop in the shower b/c I am covered in sand. One of the guys is growing out his hair so thankfully he has a few products that I could use to wash my hair. I used some of his shampoo and it gave me a really thick lather. I don't know the name of it but that let me know it had some things in it that shouldn't be going in my hair. It worked though and smelled pretty good.
He was raving about the moisturizer he had been using and how great it made his hair feel (light & soft). I agree. His hair felt really soft and no greasy residue. And he only has to use this moisturizer a couple of times a week. I grab this when I get out the shower and tilt the jar so I can open it. Moisturizer everywhere! It's not a liquid but very watery. So after I scoop most of it back in the jar, I apply to my hair. Only took a small amount to get my whole head and it did feel great.
He also uses a curl activator instead of gel (which is what I use). My best friend has mentioned something to me before about trying a curl activator and I've seen it all over blogs. People seem to love this stuff and it makes thier curls pop. I was kind of excited about trying it without having to buy it. I used about the same amount of activator as I use gel. I'm not sure if I was supposed to use more or less but that seemed to be a good amount to me.
Fast forward 30 minutes hair is still wet. Very wet. With the products I have at home, my hair is mostly if not completely dry by now. This has me thinking, maybe this is why he doesn't have to do his hair but a couple of days a week. It takes forever to dry so stays moisturized. After a little over an hour, my hair is finally dry.
Final results: my hair is very soft. I think I'll get some of that moisturizer when mine runs out. And it wasn't heavy at all. Unfortunately, he didn't have any type of oil so I wasn't able to seal in the moisture. My hair looks very dry even though it feels great. As far as the activator goes...not good for my curls at at! I have a few, very random sprinkling of spiral curls that are always in my hair. The rest of my hair is naturally very loosely curled, some spots are straightish and some are wavy. After using the activator, the straightish/wavy sections are a frizzy/straight mess. The back of my head had absolutely no curls. The sides are curly and straight at the same time. The middle/top is curlier than the rest but not the defined culrs that I'm used to. When I touch my hair, it's not greasy but my hands feel a bit sticky.
This just goes to show that every product is for every head.
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