Sunday, July 19, 2009

Today is....

month 2 of my nappy journey! Yay me! I am excited for so many reasons.
  1. just because of what this celebrates: me and my continued naturalness. This is a great experience.
  2. I was at a club last night and some random girl comes up to me, telling me how much she admires my hair. Her hair is braided and she says it's natural beneath the weave but doesn't know what to do with it. Unfortunately, I was a bit tipsy and unable to give her the advice she dearly needed. I'm sorry random girl! I really hope she takes a few moments to google natural hair and not go back to the perm.
  3. I just took picts for my 2 month and am so very happy to see the progress. I used to get so irritated at how full the top of my hair is and then at the back would suddenly flatten (as if i had leaned back and flattened my fro) and was not as full. It's not nearly as flat as it was just 2 months ago. See comparison below.

And just because I got way picture happy, here are some more pictures that I took today.

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