Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Products and Cost 5/21/09

It is a fact that Black women spend the most on hair care products. Something like 80% of all sales. When deciding to go natural, one of the things I researched was what type of products to buy. I can't use the same stuff I was using. So I found out that mineral oil and petrolium are the worst things to use in your hair. They act as fake moisturizers while drying out your hair. What's interesting is how hard it is to find products w/o one of these as the main ingredient. It's crazy.

Anyway, since I have to buy new stuff, I was thinking this is going to be so expensive. Being on a tight budget, this had me worried. I hadn't bought anything before I bc'd. I just woke up the other days and was like fuck it, I'm getting this done right now. When I left the natural salon, I headed straight to Target. I bought herbal hessence hello hydration poo & co (they are fab by the way!), some mousse and a bunch of headbands. Yesterday I went to sallys and walmart trying to find good moisturizers (bought one that was horrible and will be trying the other in a few minutes) and get a satin scarf. With all of that and the $35 it cost to have sew-in taken out and my hair cut, I've spent $70. That is less than the amount I would pay for perm, cut, and style!!! Being natural is getting better for me every day!

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